
Enhancing the Robustness of Causal Claims Based on Case Study Research on Conflict Zones

Focusing on process tracing and using the example of fieldwork in Donbas, I develop an argument in this article...

Assessing Regional and International Organizations’ Interventions in Civil Wars: Capabilities and Context

This special issue of Civil Wars on “Assessing Regional and International Organisations’ Interventions in Civil Wars: Capabilities and Context” includes a range of case studies on the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the African Union, and the Organisation of American States. Each case study features a presentation and analysis of empirical data in two dimensions: the organization’s general capabilities to carry out intervention in civil wars and, specific to one particular intervention, the conflict context in which it happened.

The Ethnopolitics of Elections

Co-edited with Florian Bieber, this special issue was published by Ethnopolitics in 2005. It features a conceptual discussions and case studies that focus on the evolution of electoral systems in seven countries around the world, from Belgium to Trinidad and Tobago....

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Electoral Systems Design in Power-sharing Regimes

Published in Power Sharing: New Challenges for Divided Societies (ed. by Ian O'Flynn and David Russell, Pluto Press, 2006), this chapter focuses on electoral systems design as a key mechanism in the broader institutional design approach to the resolution of conflict...

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