
Subnational Governance and Conflict

The potential for subnational governance to serve as a catalyst of peace has been widely recognized. This is reflected...

The threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

In a joint submission to the UK Parliament’s Defence Select Committee, my colleagues Paul Schulte, Chris Wyatt and I address counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation policy, including the ideological threat; the role of air power; and the need to consider ongoing operations and policy in the Strategic Defence and Security Review and the associated National Security Strategy.

Minority Rights in the Western Balkans

Commissioned by the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the the European Parliament, was co-authored with Pieter van Houten, Ana-Maria Anghelea, and Ivana Djuric. It provides a detailed overview of the situation regarding minorities in...

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