Middle East and North Africa

Yemen: Engaging, Not Isolating

To resolve the conflict, the Biden administration will have to grasp the nettle of subnational governance reform and be prepared to work with the Houthis.

The threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

In a joint submission to the UK Parliament’s Defence Select Committee, my colleagues Paul Schulte, Chris Wyatt and I address counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation policy, including the ideological threat; the role of air power; and the need to consider ongoing operations and policy in the Strategic Defence and Security Review and the associated National Security Strategy.

Making a difference? The US decision to supply military aid to Syrian rebels

The White House announced that the US would start providing military aid to some of the rebel groups, but it remains unclear whether arming rebel groups in Syria will contribute to achieving the stated aims of US and UK policy: to save lives, to pressure the Assad regime to negotiate seriously, and to prevent the growth of extremism and terrorism.

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Drone Warfare: effective or counter-productive?

While there can be no doubt that the national and international legal regulation of the deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, drones) for the purposes of surveillance, monitoring, intelligence gathering, and military strikes is of great importance, it is equally significant to take account of the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of the deployment of drones, especially in relation to their use for targeted killing.

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