International Conflict Management

Libya: Amid Hope for Peace, Regional Rifts Still Pose Hurdles

2021 is meant to be Libya’s transitional year. The new interim government faces huge tasks.

Ukraine a pawn in high-stakes global game with no quick win in sight for EU, US or Russia

Given the depth of these problems, Ukraine’s crisis is certain to continue. Any effort to resolve it in a sustainable way will require a more comprehensive agreement and the breathing space to negotiate it–neither of which will be possible without highly responsible and strategic leadership in Kiev, Moscow, Brussels and Washington.

Twenty Years On and Twenty Years Ahead

While resistance to HCNM involvement is likely to increase in an era in which sovereignty concerns all too often trump concerns over human and minority rights, this does not make the institution of the HCNM itself irrelevant — on the contrary. I argue in this article that there are three areas in which the HCNM has a future role to play: monitoring, preventive quiet diplomacy, and policy transfer.

Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses

Why does ethnic conflict remain one of the major security challenges in today's world? Can we avoid another Rwanda in the future? How was it possible, after almost four decades, to achieve a lasting settlement to the conflict in Northern Ireland, while that in Kashmir...

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