International Conflict Management

Could China be a partner for the West in managing the Ukraine crisis?

For the sake of Ukraine, the opportunity, however slim, to cooperate with China on stopping Russia’s aggression should not be discarded out of hand.

The Transnistrian Issue: Moving Beyond the Status-Quo

The EU has a clear opportunity to contribute to the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and prove itself an effective conflict manager and actor for stability and security in its own neighbourhood. This is a task that is not without challenges, but these challenges are of such a nature that the EU can, and must, confront them.

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Twenty Years On: The Continuing Relevance of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Given the persistence of minority-majority tensions and conflict across the OSCE area and beyond, the institution of the High Commissioner on National Minorities remains as relevant today as twenty years ago, and I see three specific areas in which the HCNM has a future role to play: monitoring, preventive quiet diplomacy, and policy transfer.

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Assessing Regional and International Organizations’ Interventions in Civil Wars: Capabilities and Context

This special issue of Civil Wars on “Assessing Regional and International Organisations’ Interventions in Civil Wars: Capabilities and Context” includes a range of case studies on the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the African Union, and the Organisation of American States. Each case study features a presentation and analysis of empirical data in two dimensions: the organization’s general capabilities to carry out intervention in civil wars and, specific to one particular intervention, the conflict context in which it happened.

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