Geopolitics in Eastern Europe

Ukraine war: China’s lukewarm support for Russia is likely to benefit Kyiv – here’s why

Things are not going well for the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

Ukraine still on the edge, despite all efforts to stabilise it

Since protests, separatism and foreign intervention began to break Ukraine apart in 2014, it has been struggling to stay in control of its future. And the struggle is far from over. No fewer than four peace agreements have been struck: the two Minsk agreements, the so-called Kyiv Agreement, and the Geneva Declaration.

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Ukraine sliding towards all-out war despite mediation efforts

For the time being, the discussions in the Ukraine Contact Group are the only mechanism that can potentially avert all-out war. But unless there is some credible follow-through by the opponents on the ground to the latest “agreement”, the window of opportunity that these ongoing discussions create may be closing fast – and with dire consequences.

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