Confidence Building

The OSCE’s Afghanistan Challenge

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan poses local, regional and global stability challenges for the OSCE and its participating States.

The Transnistrian Issue: Moving Beyond the Status-Quo

The EU has a clear opportunity to contribute to the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and prove itself an effective conflict manager and actor for stability and security in its own neighbourhood. This is a task that is not without challenges, but these challenges are of such a nature that the EU can, and must, confront them.

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Twenty Years On: The Continuing Relevance of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Given the persistence of minority-majority tensions and conflict across the OSCE area and beyond, the institution of the High Commissioner on National Minorities remains as relevant today as twenty years ago, and I see three specific areas in which the HCNM has a future role to play: monitoring, preventive quiet diplomacy, and policy transfer.

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