Civil War

Libya: Amid Hope for Peace, Regional Rifts Still Pose Hurdles

2021 is meant to be Libya’s transitional year. The new interim government faces huge tasks.

Subnational governance is key to peace

Resolving subnational conflicts is ultimately about governance because their drivers are frequently linked to grievances and perceived injustice associated with access to power and resources, and to feelings of ethnic, social and / or geographic exclusion and marginalization.

The merits and risks of reshaping internal power balances along subnational governance levels

Since the end of World War II, we have experienced a shift in conflict dynamics, from inter-state to intra-state conflicts. In 2016 alone, the world witnessed 47 intra-state conflicts. Today, wars are fought within state borders between a multiplicity of actors over the distribution of political power and national wealth both at and between the center and subnational governance levels. Marginalized groups are vying for greater autonomy at the local level, while those in control of the state—be they majorities or dominant minority groups—seek to consolidate political power at the center. Such intra-state conflicts with subnational dimensions are among the most protracted and violent conflicts.

Peace and security in Africa: from summitry to solutions

The widespread lack of peace and security is not the only problems that Africa faces, but they are at the heart of them: development and good governance cannot thrive in situations of violence and instability. As such, the very theme of the summit–Peace and Security in Africa–is very aptly chosen. It is a reflection of the challenges for Africa, as well as of the concerns and self-interests of its international partners.

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