
Mission (Im)Possible? UN Military Peacekeeping Operations in Civil Wars

Under what conditions can UN military peacekeeping operations (PKOs) succeed in contexts of civil war?

The Emerging Practice of Complex Power Sharing

Examining three main schools of conflict resolution -- centripetalism, consociational power sharing and power dividing -- and contrasting their analysis and recommendations with current policy to resolve self-determination, this chapter argues that there is an...

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The Regional Dimensions of State Failure

Published in the Review of International Studies in 2011, this article starts by considering the academic and policy debate on state failure since the early 1990s. Since then, its empirical and analytical sophistication has grown, yet the fact that state failure is a...

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Governing (in) Kirkuk

Focusing on the dynamics of the process of settling the status of Kirkuk, principally within the framework of the current Iraqi constitution of 2005 and the 2009 proposals of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, this article and takes into consideration the...

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