
Territorial self-governance and separatism: The case of (eastern) Ukraine

Territorial self-governance can take many forms, from federation, to federacy, to devolution. Provided the conditions...

Sudan: ‘Successful’ Constitutional Reform Spurs Localized Violence

Institutions are important in mitigating the extent to which shocks produce violent consequences, but their effectiveness is conditioned by the behavior of local and international leaders. Ostensibly perfect institutions may fail due to poor stewardship, while even imperfect ones can succeed at preventing violent escalation if local and international political leaders have sufficient political will.

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The threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

In a joint submission to the UK Parliament’s Defence Select Committee, my colleagues Paul Schulte, Chris Wyatt and I address counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation policy, including the ideological threat; the role of air power; and the need to consider ongoing operations and policy in the Strategic Defence and Security Review and the associated National Security Strategy.

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