De-facto States

Ukraine: how Putin could try to split the country into regional puppet governments

Related NotesIn its scale and cost, as well as its broader implications for European and international security,...

The high-risk game of Ukrainian separatism

The coming days and weeks will tell how serious all the players in and around Ukraine are about contributing to resolving this ever-more dangerous crisis and whether Kiev, Moscow, Brussels and Washington can rise above their own short-term and increasingly narrow interests and agendas and prevent the unnecessary bloodshed that further escalation would inevitably bring with it.

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The Transnistrian Issue: Moving Beyond the Status-Quo

The EU has a clear opportunity to contribute to the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and prove itself an effective conflict manager and actor for stability and security in its own neighbourhood. This is a task that is not without challenges, but these challenges are of such a nature that the EU can, and must, confront them.

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